On finals day at the Maui and Sons Arica Pro Tour QS 3,000 event, El Gringo delivered pumping waves and the surfers rose to the occasion.
Vargas won an amazing Final that included a 10-point ride over Jacob Willcox in Chile.
Vargas won an amazing Final that included a 10-point ride over Jacob Willcox in Chile.
O big-rider carioca conquistou a segunda vitória basileira em nove anos de história da etapa mais antiga do WSL Qualifying Series na
Luego de un espectacular duelo con el australiano de Rip Curl, Jacob Willcox, la torcida celebró efusivamente el triunfo del corredor
Quarterfinalists Decided at the QS 3,000 Maui and Sons Arica Pro Tour.
Sin chilenos en competencia, mañana comienzan las instancias finales del Maui And Sons Arica Pro Tour 2018.
El Gringo once again came to life at the WSL Men's QS 3,000 in Chile.
O peruano Tomas Tudela fez um novo recorde de 18,33 pontos em condições épicas nos tubos de El Gringo.