Pumping conditions, head-to-head heavyweight bouts, and another ode to Snapper Rocks legends for the Fisher and Friends Freesurf featuring 24 World Titles - what else do you want on the Gold Coast to set up Finals Day? World-renowned DJ Paul Fisher joined Stephanie Gilmore, Kelly Slater, Chelsea Hedges, Joel Parkinson, Mick Fanning, Dean Morrison and Mark Occhilupo in a free-for-all fun affair. Former CTers stole the day once more with perfection from Macy Callaghan, multiple 9-point rides courtesy of Bronte Macaulay, Sally Fitzgibbons, and a dominant showcase from Samuel Pupo to post an 18-point heat total. But, a surge of hungry Challenge Series threats on their heels heading into Finals Day with Nadia Erostarbe, Josh Burke, Oscar Berry, George Pittar and more ready to fight for their piece of Gold Coast history.