Hiroto Ohhara earned his Hurley Pro at Trestles wildcard slot after winning a highly competitive trials contest at T-Steet in San Clemente back in early August. The waves were tiny, and the surfer from Japan took full advantage of his compact frame. Those in the know immediately considered him at threat at Lower Trestles, especially if the conditions were small. But here's the thing: Trestles pumped all summer. There was hardly a day it was under head-high. While Monday at Trestles was small by this summer's standards, there was still plenty out there to rip. Ohhara, the shortest surfer in the event, found himself up against Owen Wright, the tallest, in Round Two. Hiroto got busy after a slow start to the heat, and his dynamic brand of surfing bagged him a big scalp. He's now moving forward into Round Three along with fellow wildcard Evan Geiselman.